Your secretary is ill and you have to get a motion done today! Your secretary's vacation is the same week you have a major brief due! You have several major typing projects that your secretary just can't get to. You ARE the secretary!
All solos and small firm lawyers face these problems. But the solution may be as close as your computer.
Cybersecretaries is an on-line transcription service. You can call them up and dictate, or simply send them a digital voice file (see my earlier post on digital recording). An hour or so later (and sometimes less), you get an e-mail with an attachment with letter, brief, or whatever else you want typed, in whatever format you prefer.
If this sounds "too technical" for you -- it's NOT! It is AMAZINGLY easy. If you have a phone and e-mail, you can use CyberSecretaries. I used CyberSecretaries this week to transcribe three extended witness interviews. The quality was excellent, the speed amazing, and the price reasonable. (And no, I have no connection with CyberSecretaries other than as a customer. I gotta pay 'em just like everyone else.)
Check it out! You may find it is to be the solution to many of secretarial issues.