The 8th Annual Indiana Solo & Small Firm Conference is coming up soon -- June 4-6 at Belterra Resort, Casino & Spa.
I'm not much of a casino fan, but this is a fantastic location for the Conference. The meeting rooms are great -- as good as any place where we have held the Conference. And the meeting area is separated from the casino area so if you don't gamble, you don't have to pass slot machines and blackjack tables in order to attend your CLE sessions.
But this Conference is more than CLE sessions, and Belterra is a great place to unwind. The drive is a bit long -- but it is through beautiful country that will, if you let it, help put you in a more relaxed state of mind.
The resort has a world class golf course, an inviting pool, and a full service spa. Belterra seems out of place -- a 15-story resort that springs up from the fields along the banks of the Ohio. Take a stoll across the grassy lawn behind the hotel and spend a while just watching the river flow by.
So take advantage of all the great CLE. Take your chance at the gaming tables if you are so inclined. But make sure to take a few quiet moments for yourself. That too, is as important as your ethics CLE sessions.
I think you are not quite right and you should still studying the matter.
Posted by: RamonGustav | August 23, 2010 at 11:07 PM
You write well will be waiting for your new publications.
Posted by: Antivirus_man | December 05, 2010 at 06:18 PM
Happy New Year! The author write more I liked it.
Posted by: school_dubl | December 28, 2010 at 10:51 PM