Democrats are for bigger government in Washington, less power to the States. Republicans believe that local government is better, and Washington intrudes too much into the rights of States to governm. Right? That's what we keep hearing the talking head so.
But what we're really finding out is that its not about smaller government in Washington, or more power to the States. It's about whatever method pushes your own agenda forward. Remember Terri Shivo? Certain GOP legislators made a mockery of the notion of keeping the federal government out of local affairs, and sponsored an intrusion that no Democrat would ever dare propose -- that a state court decision on a matter of state law be subject to review by a federal appeals court.
Now the latest role reversal. The Obama Administration has prompty (thankfully) acted to undo the Bush Administrations last-minute efforts to usurp state law on nearly every type of consumer legal action by means of pre-emption. The result: States remain free to make and enforce their own laws which they feel are necessary to protect their own citizens.
Here's an except from the Associated Press article :
"The Obama White House on Wednesday undid a Bush administration policy that used federal regulations to undermine a wide range of state health, safety and environmental laws.
Many of the federal regulations limited the ability of injured consumers to sue companies in state courts.
The move involving a policy known as "pre-emption" marks the latest step by President Barack Obama to redo the policies of his predecessor.
In a memo to government department heads, Obama said that pre-emption of state law should be undertaken only with full consideration of the legitimate prerogatives of the states.
The Bush administration rule-making effort also had undercut state financial regulation and state consumer protections in many fields.
The Obama White House on Wednesday undid a Bush administration policy that used federal regulations to undermine a wide range of state health, safety and environmental laws.
Many of the federal regulations limited the ability of injured consumers to sue companies in state courts."
Occasionally a Democrat supports a policy or law or action that makes sense, and occasionally someone falls from a plane without the benefit of a parachute and lives.
Seeing either outcome is satisfying, but neither is something I would bet anything of value on -- the odds just aren't there.
Posted by: rickw | December 23, 2009 at 03:10 PM
If you are having a chest freezer then it needs more space at the top for opening its door.
Posted by: lab freezers | November 17, 2011 at 03:28 PM