I had the opportunity to speak today (Friday, June 23) at the Municipal Law Seminar in Indianapolis sponsored by the Indiana Association of Cities and Towns. I shared the podium with Renee Kodner from MicroLaw, Inc., the legal technology firm from Milwaukee.
Renee and I spoke on "How Not to Commit Malpractice With Your Computer." We touched on topics such as e-mail practices, meta-data, e-discovery, and protecting confidential information on computers. It was a real pleasure to speak with Renee.
Guess we did okay. As anyone who speaks at seminars knows, the WORST time slot is the last presentation on the last day -- and particularly when the last day is a Friday. That was precisely where we were slotted. But we kept everyone (or nearly everyone) in their seats until we were done.
Thanks to Renee and the Indiana Associaiton of Cities and Towns for the invitation.