This week brought the first cool blast of weather announcing the change of seasons. For me, it marks the beginning of my favorite time of year. It also brought a great experience for my 17-year-old son, Alex -- something which I think he will always remember.
One of our friends from church is Quentin Wood. Quentin is into his eighth decade, but he is as active and sharp as anyone I know. And he grows apples. He doesn't have a lot of trees, but he takes care of them. And every fall, they are simply weighed down with huge apples of red, yellow and green.
Quentin also has an old fashioned apple cider press that he rebuilt. So on a bright, crisp fall afternoon last week, my son spend an afternoon with Quentin. He loaded apples into the press, then chopped them, pressed them into fresh cider, then took the remnants out to the barn to feed the five steers Quentin has in his field.
At the end of the afternoon, both Alex and Quentin had smiles on their faces. Spending time working with outside your hands, listening to stories, and producing something -- not a bad day. Not at all.